Graffiti artist DEBE was invited to design a crossover topic for our 2018 A/W collection - the main inspiration comes from spirit of NOMAD, combining MANDALA as visual subject. It symbolizes exploring deeply towards our own hearts and bringing up our self-awareness, searching the connection between ourselves and the nature.
A lot of information is gathered to create the logo. Since there are no original nomads in Taiwan, and mountains and hills occupy 2/3 of total surface of the whole island, we chose the contour line of the highest mountain, which represents the main ones on our Formosa, Mount Yu’s peak as logo, and its fluorescent green echoes emerald mountain range. One of the Taiwanese indigenous people, Bunun, lives in this “Tongku Saveq” (saint mountain), which is also a modern symbol of Taiwan, so we mocked the nomadic spirit in present metropolitan environment, adding functionality, pockets and expandability to our clothing. As our slogan goes “Look inside to see everything.”, DEBE’s main design will be found in the lining.
We had fun trying various new ideas in designing – PVC transparent bag, together with corresponding outfit (jackets and pants), increases the expandable concept for storage. It boosts the product’s functionality combining with BADGE’s new aluminum belt, which forms a crossbody bag. PVC raincoat-bag is the spotlight single item for 2018 A/W – it is foldable as usual, but then it becomes a bag with pockets once folded, giving the raincoat a whole new appearance.
本季秋冬特別邀請塗鴉藝術家 DEBE 來負責規劃此次聯名的主視覺設計,主題以 “NOMAD" 遊牧精神為出發點,並使用曼陀羅 “MANDALA” 為視覺主體向內心探索靈性與自省,追尋本我與自然的連結。
在logo的設計上,我們也收集了很多相關資料,因為台灣原生並無遊牧民族,且山地、丘陵約佔全島總面積的三分之二, 所以我們選擇最能代表台灣五大山脈的最高峰 - 玉山主峰(海拔3,952.43±0.045公尺)的等高線圖為logo, 並以鮮明的螢光綠色代表翠綠的山脈為主要識別色,而在這山區生活的布農族更是將玉山奉為聖山 “Tongku Saveq” 也是當代臺灣的象徵之一,所以我們模擬了遊牧精神在現代化的都會生活,並將機能、高收納、可擴充性等概念融入服裝上去做延伸以外,也將 DEBE 設計的主視覺圖像鋪陳於內裡以達到標語 - “Look inside to see everything.” 的精神。
商品的設計上嘗試了很多新的想法,例如PVC材質的透明包,除了可以與相對應的服裝(外套、褲子等)做結合來提升物品收納的可擴充概念外,也能夠與 BADGE 這次開發的鋁製插釦腰帶組合成斜背包來提昇商品的功能性,當然還有這次的重點單品 -PVC背包式雨衣,除了基本將雨衣收摺外,更賦予實際的物品收納與暗袋,讓傳統雨衣也有全新的面貌。